Welcome to Our Inaugural Issue!

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"The Hejnał" is a new project of Our Lady of Częstochowa Church in Turners Falls, Mass.

Each month, you can expect inspiring articles that will enrich your faith. Quotes from the saints and Church Fathers will deepen your prayer life.

Each issue will have a particular focus on devotions for that month, or on items of interest to Catholics.

You can expect solid Catholic teaching, fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church, and respect for the Holy Father.

The Catholic Church has been in the news a great deal lately, and the reports are often written by the Church’s enemies. Imagine how refreshing it will be to read articles written by those who love the Bride of Christ and who defend her traditions and faith!

We hope you will look forward to this free publication in your mailboxes each month, and here on the website. We encourage you to share "The Hejnał" with your friends and families.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Necessity of Baptism

Do I Need to be Baptized?

I have some hard things to talk about. These are often just the basics of our Faith but they are often things that are misunderstood or ignored. They are hard because some people, and even some priests, get upset when we talk about them or question them.

What we are going to talk about is salvation, Eternal Life and what we have to do to get there. As I've said, this bothers some people because many people, and even some clergy seem to think there is no Hell and that everyone is going to Heaven automatically.

Well.... not according to Jesus, not according to the Bible, not according to the Roman Catholic Church that Jesus gave us, and not according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church of Pope John Paul II!

So.... Today we will begin by considering Baptism. It is very important to note that Jesus Himself tells us in no uncertain terms that Baptism is necessary for salvation. In the Gospel of St. John 3:5, Jesus says: "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." Now that's pretty clear and very blunt! No wiggle room there!

Then.... making this even more urgent, Jesus commands us to proclaim the Gospel to ALL nations AND to Baptize them. In St. Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commands us to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you."

The CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH is very clear in telling us that "Baptism is necessary for Salvation" and that "the Church does not know of any means other than Baptism that assures entry into eternal Beatitude." (Heaven) (#1257 Catechism of the Catholic Church)

What is the bottom line here? First, Jesus, the Bible, and the Church say Baptism is REQUIRED for Eternal Life and Heaven. / Second, to put off or neglect Baptism is taking a serious, dangerous, and foolhardy chance with our Eternal Life. / Third, we are commanded by Jesus to Baptize and to teach others all that Jesus has given to us.

Some people, and as I've said, even some clergy, would put Baptism off and feel uncomfortable sharing the Roman Catholic Church that Jesus Gave us. But.... if we truly love our neighbor, why would we keep the way to Heaven and Eternal Life a secret?!?!

This is something we all have to think about and something about which we must take action before it's too late!

A Chance for Heaven!

In the summer of 1976 I was in Poland and I visited the city of Wadowice. I can remember only three things about the city. I had a bowl of delicious cold rhubarb soup and my guide had steak tartar – a fancy name for raw hamburger and a raw egg. I also remember the beautiful old church across the square from the restaurant.

Today we know that Wadowice is the birthplace of Pope John Paul II and he was baptized in the church across from where I had rhubarb soup.

I remember pictures of him, when he returned to Poland as Pope, kneeling before the font where he had been baptized. He even kissed the font! At first many people wondered about that. . . after all, what is so sacred or important about the Baptismal font?

St. Francis de Sales has the answer: “The Baptismal font should be dearer to us than any object, for here it was we were made children of God!”

Most people think that Baptism is the Sacrament to keep babies out of Limbo… and leave it at that!

Yes, the Bible tells us that we can not get to Heaven unless we are baptized. But Baptism is even more:

First: It forgives sin.

Second: It strengthens us spiritually.

Third: It makes us members of the Church Jesus first founded and it allows us the opportunity to participate fully in His Church.

The last point is more important – you see Baptism makes it possible to receive the other Sacraments of the Church - Sacraments that help us to live this life and enter the next life safely.

We often underestimate the importance of Baptism. But it is the most important of Sacraments. Basically because we can’t get to Heaven without it and we need it to live a Christian life here and now.

A side note – Children should be baptized as soon as possible… as soon as they can be brought to church! To make arrangements just call the rectory.

Another note – In an emergency anyone can baptize. All that need be done is to pray: I baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen – while pouring a little water over the head of the individual.

As you can see, when the Pope knelt and kissed his Baptismal font he understood perfectly well what we was doing. That font gave him a chance at Eternal life in Heaven!

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